Are you thinking that bigg boss is fake show? Are you want to know about bigg boss each rule for contestant? If you are finding out for above question, you are on right page.

Here we are going to tell you about some fact you might don’t know about bigg boss reality show, sometime people says that bigg boss is fake show. How much truth in that???? you will find here only.
Is Bigg Boss scripted show?
This is For those: who are thinking that bigg boss is scripted show? You better watch chhota bheem or cartoon, rather says that bigg boss is fake show.
Bigg boss is reality show, where there is no script regarding nomination, winner, eviction or any other fight between bigg boss contestant. Bigg boss is 100% real show. So please don’t spread rumours like : Bigg boss is fake show, winner already decided before bigg boss start and like many.
Bigg Boss Legislation For contestant | Bigg Boss 11 News
Bigg boss series have its own norms, rules and regulation. Some how in bigg boss 11 many rules have been change due to entry of common women and men. although some rule are same as previous season of bigg boss.
Some legislation of bigg boss show mention below:
- Bigg boss will give money to every contestant at end of every week, more you survive in the house more you will earn in bigg boss house.
- In bigg boss 10 there will be half celebrity contestant and half common men or women, probably it was 8 each.

- As per contract you can not leave the house midway, unless and until you have some very critical problem,
- Phones or any gadget is strictly prohibited in the house.
- All member are equal in house whether he is celebrity or common women or men.
- Perform immunity task , luxury budget and other important task to survive in the house.
- winner of bigg boss decided by viewers of bigg boss.
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For more news regarding bigg boss 11, stay tune with us.
Hope this post will clarify you regarding what bigg boss is all about. Bigg boss 11 will be gonna different and special from previous season.